How To Add XML Sitemap in Blogger Blog

Who does not know profits of sitemap, but it become more difficult in Blogger blog because most of Bloggers don't know how to upload XML sitemap in their blog, so they use HTML sitemap or custom robot.txt . but XML sitemap is more powerful and can be used also in Google webmasters tool. It's very easy and anyone can install it in few easy steps.

Follow these steps to create and upload XML sitemap:

  • Go To and Input your Web URL, Change   FrequencyLast Modification, and Priority then start.

What to put in these options?

1. Web URL                = your Full web address.
2. Change Frequency = Always / hourly
3. Last Modification   = Use server's Response
4. Priority                   = Automatically calculated priority
XML sitemap . Blogger. how to, blog,

it'll take few secs then download .xml (without zip) and save it.

  • Now go to blogger and go to setting . 
 >> Choose "other" tab and Click on "Import Blog" tool.

XML sitemap . Blogger. how to, blog,

 >>  Now select saved .XML file and Upload it. (uncheck automatically 
        write posts)

XML sitemap . Blogger. how to, blog, How To Add XML Sitemap in Blogger Blog

>> Now check your website either it proper uploaded or not.

  •  Open ( it'll open a download prompt)
  • Submit it to Google webmasters Tool . and Enjoy :)

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