How to Take Screenshots in iPhone 6 Without App

iphone 6+ screenshot. how to capture. Screenshot. snapshot.

Today I'll demonstrate to you Best practices to take a Screenshot in iPhone without any External application
and How to Share caught shots on online networking or anyplace. It's Too simple on iOS gadgets Like iPhone or iPad yet this highlight is  not accessible in all Android gadgets with the exception of couple of hoodwinks

So on the off chance that you wanna catch any screen in your exhibition then you'll have to take after these basic strides to catch it effectively with no application or other cam.
Capture screenshot in iphone, snapshot, application.

Get it done with simple snaps: :

Go To Your Target:

 Now Go To That field which you want to  capture. You can pick any picture from your email, photographs, home screen, or from anything you find on the web.

Press Home and Power Button at the same time.

Take Screenshots .iPhone 6 .Without App. Iphone. Ipad. android.
चित्र के रूप में इंगित किया गया है कि एक दूसरे और बाद के दोनों बटनों के निर्वहन के बाद, आप एक कैम स्क्रीन की तरह छाया की आवाज सुनेंगे तो सुनिश्चित करें कि आपका स्क्रीनशॉट पकड़ा गया है।

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